There is this notion. Find "the one" (I bet you came across this one) If you think you found your "the one", Keep'em until you actually lose'em. If you found and lost your "the one" ~ search (maybe you still are) If you never found you "the one" - keep looking (words of encouragement) If you dont want to be found - Live the offline life and you are sorted. Everybody wants to be that "the one". Everybody wants to shout out to the closest friends and family that they eventually made it to them (the one). And the whole universe conspired to make it happen. I know i cant speak for everyone but I guess I could give a decent try. If everyone wanted to be found. Loved & cared for, If everyone wanted to be searched like a thirsty human amid parched soil, If everyone wanted to be kept safe from the chaos built in their head, If everyone wanted to be romanticized through songs, gifts and other devotions of love and...