
My Armor

I should be angry on myself For letting my armor down I kept the blades away, I drew down my sword I threw my shield Sliding the helmet of my head I yielded my heart And now, you honour me - with cuts going down my back Bleeding from my ribs, sinking to my knees Soft whimpering I let my armor down The battlefield would have been better, with great content, I would have joined the silent seas. I let my armor down, because it was you. -Mercy Jade

While I wait..

I Wait for you, As you stand in the middle of a crossing and scream in your head on how you have lost me. How your small little personal world has fallen. It's withering.Crumbled. Do I make you wonder? Do I make sense to your definition of Alive and living. Oh how you have let it all slip. Slowly. You went on to "live" didn't you? Did you find it? Whatever that you were looking or searching for? I Wait for you, As you run your hands through your hair imagining a world without my hand to hold. Eyes going bezerk. Questioning. Oh God how dreadful of a life. I Wait for you,  As I want to see the price you pay, with your life. I Wait for you, As I want to see you get drunk on madness.Gently Falling, to my knees. Fear of how much aching the further days will just add on to your misery. And how you will try to fill them with words and music and places But every nerve ending under your skin knows that nothing will amount to anything to the time when you had me. As crows squea...

Held, No More.

I will know what to do.  The what, when and why?I will know how to get through to the end of it. There were times when I thought, I could not possibly do the whole healing process. Or even just the thought would hurt me within, that I'd lie down holding my chest. Trying to borrow a breath. I'd feel like even if my soul left my body, it would not hurt. I'd be at the end of it all. Beloved, I'd do it right this time and set myself free - from the bondage that ruins my soul and waters the eyes. From the unspeakable sadness that tries to anchor my life around the griefs alone. Being held by jealousy is not love. Being held by anger does not make it righteous. Being held by lies, does not make it loyal. Being held by envy does not mean it is inadequate. Because, the world in itself is sad and like everything else death would one day find me. Let not this world's sadness, seep into my veins. Let not the truth be hidden or ashamed. The world, which deceives my heart. Hear ...





" The One "

There is this notion. Find "the one" (I bet you came across this one) If you think you found your "the one", Keep'em until you actually lose'em. If you found and lost your "the one" ~ search (maybe you still are) If you never found you "the one" - keep looking (words of encouragement) If you dont want to be found - Live the offline life and you are sorted. Everybody wants to be that "the one". Everybody wants to shout out to the closest friends and family that they eventually made it to them (the one). And the whole universe conspired to make it happen. I know i cant speak for everyone but I guess I could give a decent try. If everyone wanted to be found. Loved & cared for, If everyone wanted to be searched like a thirsty human amid parched soil, If everyone wanted to be kept safe from the chaos built in their head, If everyone wanted to be romanticized through songs, gifts and other devotions of love and...

