
Showing posts from August, 2019

The Heart is a Muscle.

Yes. The Heart is a muscle. In biological terms, the heart's main function is to pump blood through it's veins and ventricles, and that is how oxiginated blood flows through our body, it touches the tip of our nails and ends till the last stand of our hair. We know this, don't we? We know that the heart beat is essential for living. We know it's important for our survival. We know it's just doing it's job, until it tires out and we cease. We know that the body will return to the dust, when the muscle is exhausted. Despite knowing enough to reason with logic, we do not know how it's possible to ache. We cannot reason why the muscle aches? We cannot fathom the exhaustion in our heart. We cannot reason why sometimes we wish it just stopped. We cannot unleash the gutting pain we go through. We cannot understand why we are overflowing with joy. We reason that the pain • Joy • Guilt • Hate • Love • Hesitation comes in from the heart. Deep inside. ...