The story of JANE & LUKE - 2
"I want to know what happened!!" I heard my voice repeat inside my head. Over and over again. Jane was right in front of me. Ready to leave unanswered. But I was determined to learn what had happened to her. Even while I was right there standing with her, All I could think of was how radiating Jane was. Her eyes especially. They always gleamed. Her hands held closely against her chest to keep her away from the cold. Her hair untied. It did dangle with the wind. It swayed across her face. And when she let a heavy breath I was hoping she was ready for whatever she was going to reveal to me. I was hoping to understand the issue and resolve it for Jane. "My Jane" I thought. The thought itself pushed me into reality. It didn't occur to me that I was a nobody to Jane. I didn't think she would give me the peace I was looking for. She was still standing in front of me and I stood waiting for her to open her mouth and speak! For one time I needed to know why she was...